Learn about Dale L. Tenhulzen

and his company

The Live Wealthy Institute

Dale L. Tenhulzen
Dale L. Tenhulzen

As an investor, you want to make sure that you know FACTUAL information about anyone you are trusting to advise you to make the best financial decisions. Get to know the person you are trusting with your financial future.    Don’t just take anyone’s opinion. Do your research. This man has made several false claims about his education, and professional background. He has advised clients to invest in SEVERAL failed investments.

Learn the Facts About Dale L. Tenhulzen

All information presented is verified by 3rd party, nationally accredited entities. Links to all resources have been included for your convenience.

Birthday: October 9, 1958


  • August 26, 1999, Chapter 7 Discharge of Debt
  • March 17, 2008, Chapter 7 Discharge of Debt


  • County Tax Lien: April 19, 2006 $ 1,626.00
  • County Tax Lien: October 11, 2005 $ 122.00
  • State Tax Lien: June 27, 2007 $ 10,151.00, Orange County, CA


  • No Degree

He is NOT certified to be a Financial Planner

Most “Certified Financial Planners” not only hold a Bachelor’s Degree, but an MBA, as well as passing either the Series 63 or 65 Exam by itself or the Series 7 Exam along with the Series 66.

Dale claims he is an alum of the University of Iowa. Our records indicate he was enrolled at the University of Iowa 08/01/1977 to 12/01/1979 but NO DEGREE WAS EVER EARNED. Enrollment only.

View National Student Cleaninghouse document to confirm

WHAT HIS DESIGNATION IS (Certified Wealth Preservation Planner) as listed on his Linked in page, is earned by completing a 24 hour online course.  No higher education required. 

According to WISERADVISOR.com Candidates must complete 24 hours worth of on-line course work, then pass an examination in order to obtain this designation. The candidate must also complete 24 hours of continued education every two years, and take an open book recertification exam every 3 years.

No other higher education is required.
Investor Complaint Process: NONE
Published List of Disciplined Designees: NONE
Accredited By: NONE

Failed Investments and SEC Investigations

Mr. Tenhulzen has recommended several failed investments to clients. We have outlined some of these investments below. In all cases, Mr. Tenhulzen has received commissions/compensation from the companies offering these investments. In some cases, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has investigated these companies, seized assets, and filed suit. Mr. Tenhulzen is currently under investigation by the SEC.

UPDATE: August 13, 2020
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Dale Tenhulzen et al.,
Case No. 8:20-cv-01890 (M.D. Fla. filed August 13, 2020)

See entire filing:


Dale introduced clients to this investment, 1st Global Capital, that resulted in investors losing millions.  Carl Ruderman was the owner.  1st Global used unlicensed investment advisors to, “fraudulently raise more than $287 million from more than 3,400 investors”.



From April 9, 2018 to July 10, 2018 Mr. Tenhulzen was paid $71,845.15 in “finder’s fees”.  We were unable to determine if any other monies were paid to Mr. Tenhulzen prior to these dates.

View Finder’s Fees Document

1st Global used only unlicensed brokers/individuals to market their product, as there is no personal liability for an agent who holds no license, Securities or otherwise.  Mr. Tenhulzen claims he once held such a license, but because he no longer sells, “traditional investments”, he let that license lapse.  There is no record of Mr. Tenhulzen ever holding such a license and he lacks the education requirements to obtain such a license.

  You may confirm this information by clicking on the link below.

  Check here:  https://brokercheck.finra.org/

Mr. Tenhulzen notified clients of 1st Global’s seizure by the SEC.  He informed clients they may be solicited by various law firms seeking to possibly formulate a class action lawsuit.  Mr. Tenhulzen informed his clients he had retained legal representation on their behalf, and it would NOT BE NECESSARY to hire additional counsel.  Mr. Tenhulzen claims he retained attorney Joe Sarachek.  According to attorney Sarachek, Mr. Tenhulzen NEVER retained him for those purposes.  In fact, Mr. Sarachek advised Mr. Tenhulzen to pay restitution to his clients or, at the very least, return his commissions.  Mr. Tenhulzen declined.


Mr. Tenhulzen introduced investors to a Florida based company called EquiAlt.  EquiAlt, a “real estate investment firm”, using investors’ funds (hard money) to invest in income producing real estate.  EquiAlt is paying investors annual dividends of 8% to 11.5%.  EquiAlt is currently under SEC Investigation and all assets are frozen meaning investors are Not receiving the agreed upon income, and THEY CAN NOT TOUCH ANY OF THEIR INVESTED FUNDS. 

As late as November of 2019, Mr. Tenhulzen was urging clients to stay with EquiAlt as they had, “Never missed an interest payment to investors.”  In December of 2019, EquiAlt contacted Mr. Tenhulzen’s clients directly to renegotiate terms of their investment(s).  Mr. Tenhulzen was not being paid commissions on these re-negotiated terms and in January of 2020, Mr. Tenhulzen suggested clients withdraw funds from EquiAlt and invest in MOTHER’S HEMP FARM.  SEC seized control of EquiAlt Feb 2020.

UPDATE: SEC has halted operations of EquiAlt effective 2/18/2020


UPDATE: August 13, 2020
SEC Charges Unregistered Brokers Who
Sold EquiAlt Securities to Main Street Investors

Litigation Release No. 24866 / August 13, 2020
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Dale Tenhulzen et al.,
Case No. 8:20-cv-01890 (M.D. Fla. filed August 13, 2020)

See entire filing:


Mr. Tenhulzen lists license 0G13775 on his business card. This license is for, “Resident Insurance Producer”. To sell Life Insurance ONLY and for the purpose of brokering Life Settlements.


Conestoga Life Settlements Agents Hit with Cease and Desist Order

These suits were filled as early as May 2015, and again in June of 2019.  Dale Tenhulzen either failed to do proper research on this company OR disregarded potential red flags, as he sold investors into this investment November 2015 and later.  Additionally, he never contacted clients he sold these investments to, to notify them of these suits and/or that their own investments could potentially be fraudulent. Currently, there is a class action lawsuit being formed in California to pursue action against Conestoga and any agents who may have knowingly and fraudulently sold this investment.  The attorney heading this action has reached out to Mr. Tenhulzen requesting his help in contacting his clients.  To date, Mr. Tenhulzen has not returned calls.


Mr. Tenhulzen sold hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of Life Settlements thru a company called Aclivity & Acclivity West.  In August of 2020, Aclivity announced that they had run out of money & recommended that policy holders participate in “The Swap”  In this swap, investors would trade their policies in Aclivity West for shares in a different company, at swap values between 20 to 30% of the original purchase value.  Investors are being told that if things go as planned, they could be back to their initial investment amount in approximately 4.7 years.  Additionally, the funds will be totally untouchable for 2 years after entering “The swap”.

The above is factual information outlining some of the business practices of Mr. Dale Tenhulzen spanning the last several years. Mr. Tenhulzen has taken zero responsibility for any of these failed investments or the ill advice he has given his clients. Instead, he would have you believe that he has worked tirelessly on behalf of his clients, retained legal counsel (proven to be inaccurate) and lost money in these same investments. HE HAS NOT. Additionally, several clients have reached out to Mr. Tenhulzen to discuss the financial devastation they and their portfolios have experienced under his guidance. Rather than apologizing or admitting any wrong-doing or responsibility, he has furthered the deceit by having his clients believe he lost his home in Huntington Beach CA to foreclosure by stating, “I don’t have my house either”. Very cleverly chosen words, omitting the fact that he actually sold the home 03/04/2020 for $2,065,000. Is this illegal? No, but it goes to personal integrity and character. Both EXTREMELY important traits to look for when choosing your financial advisor.

We do our very best to offer an honest and objective review of Mr. Tenhulzen’s investment advice history. We expose him for having deceived clients regarding both his fabricated college education, as well as his lack of ANY industry-wide recognized designations or accredited financial planning designations.

On this follow-up page, we intend to show you a copy of his latest correspondence directed to clients who suffered financial losses under his direction.  You will see he spends the vast majority of his time defending his position, then without shame, promotes his newest endeavor MOTHER’S HEMP FARM.

We have attached a copy of that correspondence, along with the newly proposed business venture into the hemp market in Wyoming.  Additionally, Mr. Tenhulzen speaks of being elected to the Wyoming Hemp Association as Vice-Chair (his first political position).  He speaks of being part of a not-for-profit Advisory Board for the production and legalization of Hemp in the state.  He goes on to say that, “This position puts him in the perfect spot to be on top of all operations in the state, as well as meeting with the top agricultural officials and all the way to the Governor”.  Additionally, he goes on to state that he met with the Director of Agriculture to put the state plan to work. 

HOW IS THIS NOT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST? In the case of MOTHER’S HEMP FARM he is the CEO and Project Manager overseeing the entire project.  He goes on to say that he has, “Surrounded himself with all the experts in each field and have assembled them together to run this operation”.  WE CAUTION YOU.   These are all words he has used in the past, to give the allusion of due diligence and collective thinking and in the past, proved to be false.  DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

Protect Yourself From Fraud!

Financial planning is hard on its’ own, and making sure that you have a trust worthy financial advisor/planner is immensely important to ensure your success in the long run. To avoid scammers, be sure to look into what your financial planner has accomplished and investigate their portfolio of offerings to ensure that all assets and representations are credible.

Visit this article to learn more about the ways that people make mistakes when they are looking for a financial/planner. Be sure to keep these things in mind.


Remember, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is!